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With a European background in Music Education and countless teaching positions and workshops worldwide, it is an absolute joy to settle in Australia and add to a lively scene of ever evolving music education. 

The information on this page gives a clear idea of my views on this subject, and all this is on offer for private lessons, as well as in my Saxophone class at Monash University and Victorian College of the Arts Seconary School VCASS.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime. 


First and foremost... Here's what's on offer to all saxophone enthusiasts:

Effortless Mastery through Skill-based Music Education.  


guaranteed individual creative development based on 30 years of top level saxophone education, quality accumulated through several high ranking tertiary teaching positions and masterclasses/workshops worldwide: from Amsterdam to Tokyo, New York to Paris, Sao Paulo to Wolgograd. 

It provides a welcome and much needed addition to Australia's/AMEB's standard of repertoire based standardised testing, and can assure a better preparation for both performances and exams. The Skill-based Music Education Method is founded on close to 2 centuries of saxophone development, from its founder Adolphe Sax through our most cherished pioneers (Marcel Mule, Sigurd Rascher, Frederick Hemke, Jean-Marie Londeix and Peter Clinch) and is supported by all top players in our field, with whom I have a strong professional and personal connection (Arno Bornkamp, Claude Delangle, Vincent David, Nobuya Sugawa, Rob Buckland/Andy Scott and many more).

What does this all mean? Well…

With the current state of repertoire-based standardised testing within the AMEB, at one point you will have to learn an important repertoire piece like the Bozza Aria, so you can learn how to play the scale of E minor, count properly and play in tune.

Work with me, and I will give you tons of exciting material to learn the scale of E minor, how to count properly and play in tune. And only then we will determine if you actually have any creative interest in playing the Bozza Aria.

Because it doesn’t matter if you’re just learning to ride a bike, or if you’re actually Max

Verstappen, racing around a F1 track. In order for you to achieve effortless mastery of your instrument, and create space for creative decisions, your mind always needs to operate at a higher level and velocity than the task in front of you.


How to achieve effortless mastery:

We will quickly determine your skill level, and through an endless supply of exercises

and  matching repertoire we will set up a desired path of creative development based

on 800 years of music history. Satisfaction and success guaranteed, since you will always be the only person setting your own course. 


If this approach leads to a desire to get a tertiary degree in music I can offer you a place in my saxophone class at Monash University where we can guarantee a proper preparation for a fulfilling life in music, whether it is as a bachelor with a teaching degree, a double degree or a career as a performing artist and a direct pathway to studying overseas. 

Key Points Tertiary Saxophone Education
The Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music, Monash University


Skill-based music education

Individual creative development

Cross-genre education

Basic doubling skills

Concert acquisition/project management

Strong collaboration with all AUS tertiary institutes

Direct pathway to overseas studies

Double degree

All this is on offer through the collaboration with my two colleagues at Monash: Lachlan Davidson and Dr Yo-Yo Su. Lachlan Davidson is highly regarded as saxophonist, composer, arranger, master of pretty much all wind instruments and fluent in all genres. Dr Yo-Yo Su has just returned from his studies with leading European saxophonists (Vincent David, Arno Bornkamp, Philippe Braquart), and he was recently awarded his Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Iowa, where he both studied and worked with Kenneth Tse. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly. 

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