Celestial Cravings
The Art and Music of JacobTV
Humanity's greatest desire is a craving for celestial peace.
It is therefore also the driving force behind all conflict, drama and tragedy.
Dutch ‘avant pop’ composer JacobTV (Jacob ter Veldhuis, 1951) is considered an ‘outlaw’ in new music, whose work ‘makes many a hip-hop artist look sedate’ (Wall Street Journal).
The self-proclaimed 'avant pop composer' won the first BUMA Classical Award in 2016 for the best selling classical export product from the Netherlands. With his continually updated reality opera THE NEWS he has been touring worldwide, his ballet music sounds from Moscow to Chicago.
JacobTV’s so-called Boombox repertoire, for live instruments with a grooving sound track based on speech melody, became internationally popular. With around 1000 world wide performances a year, JacobTV is nowadays one of the most performed European composers.
Jacob has been a frontrunner in combining video, multimedia and music for 30 years. With his use of soundbites from documentaries, news items and popular tv-shows he displays a strong affinity with 21st century societal issues such as tragedy, consumerism, substance abuse and international conflict.
In this program Celestial Craving we display Jacob's more tranquil, heaven-focused side of composition, with his version of William Blake's epic poem the Garden of Gove, through the eerie tranquility of Postnuclear Winterscenario nr 10, to his more pressing, high-octane fueled works like Pimpin' and Heartbreakers. At the heart of this program we'll find the world premier of NUTS, JacobTV's comment of the tragedy of the police murder of George Floyd and the following BLM movement.